At Riverside Urology we recognize that disease of any kind can put a patient's life in turmoil. Our focus upon patient quality of life leads us to seek least-invasive solutions leading to best outcomes with minimal life disruption. Our patients benefit from access to the best care, the deepest knowledge and the use of our Ambulatory Surgery Center as an alternative to hospital stays. We help you get your life back to normal as quickly as possible.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Focal Therapy, it's like taking care of the bad spot in the apple instead of throwing the whole thing away.

When we can distinguish “significant” prostate cancer from non-aggressive prostate cancer, ablative treatment options can be considered. When minimally invasive ablative therapy is used, it can treat the entire prostate gland or just the area with the known disease. Treating only the “significant” prostate cancer is known as focal therapy. Focal therapy eliminates the aggressive cells without destroying the rest of the prostate. This minimizes the potential for urinary incontinence or sexual dysfunction.
Focal prostate treatment is similar to the advancing technology for breast cancer. Today, lumpectomy has largely replaced the radical mastectomy.  Another way of thinking about focal treatment is to consider an apple with a bad spot. Rather than tossing the whole apple, only the bad spot is removed.

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